Barometric Pressure and Crappie Fishing

Barometric Pressure and Its Effect On Crappie Fishing

Barometric pressure can be one of the most important factors to consider when fishing.  During periods of rising or falling barometric pressure, crappie move frequently and are significantly more aggressive. Conversely, when the barometric pressure is stable, crappie tend to hunker down in a particular location and are less aggressive.  What is barometric pressure?  Barometric

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Summer Crappie Fishing

Summer Crappie Fishing: Tactics and Patterns for Catching Crappie

Summer is typically one of the most challenging times of year to consistently catch crappie. The spawning season is over, and fish generally have migrated away from shallow stake beds and brush piles to deeper, cooler water. But that doesn’t mean you can’t catch a boatload of crappie; you just have to know where to

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Understanding The Differences Between White Crappie and Black Crappie

Fishing for crappies is fun and exciting and one of the most commonly sought-after species among anglers in the United States, given that these fish live pretty much everywhere across the country. Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran in crappie fishing, chances are you’ve noticed that not all the crappies you catch look the

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